Our contract manufacturing blog

We have compiled years of manufacturing wisdom into our blog.  Peruse our articles for hard won insights.

New Cosmetic: Hand Sanitizer Expansion 2020
New Cosmetic: Hand Sanitizer Expansion 2020

Update - Mass Hand Sanitizer Now Available Mass Hand Sanitizer is available now for bulk and packaged filled product.  Multiple fragrances and multiple packaging options available.  See more information here!BPI Labs is announcing new, mass hand sanitizer production...

Tube Filling Service
Tube Filling Service

Our tube filling service is our guaranteed fastest, cheapest, most convenient service. Tubes come to our factory, pre-sealed, pre-capped, and pre-printed from a single source and supplier.   Our Norden tubing machines quickly fill the tube, seal the tube, print a code...

You Need Hand Sanitizer in Tubes
You Need Hand Sanitizer in Tubes

Tubes are a ready, domestic, and continuous source of packaging that could be ideal for your hand sanitizer. Sources for hand sanitizer packaging have been difficult to locate. The remaining sources of packaging have dubious quality controls, and above average prices...

Bottle and Jar Filling Services
Bottle and Jar Filling Services

Your formula possibilities are extensive with our array of bottle and jar filling equipment. Your product, wet or dry, can be filled into a large variety of bottle and jar types. This is because we have many varied machines with different purposes. We have salt and...

Tubes Win, Bottles Lose in Cosmetics
Tubes Win, Bottles Lose in Cosmetics

The Experiment Last week we asked a great, domestic tube manufacturer and supplier for tube prices to compare with bottles.  The results are in: You can have hand sanitizer in tubes with caps from a single supplier, in continuous supply, that also have a printed...

Your Lead Times for Personal Care Products
Your Lead Times for Personal Care Products

Introduction BPI Labs has created lead times for the compounding and the filling of personal care product that will get your private label brand onto the shelf in a matter of weeks. Discover BPI Lab’s lead times for the three private label manufacturing methods to...